Roterra Piling's Mission is to improve the construction process and enrich our customer's build process by providing the market with an organization that is able to design, engineer and install the most cost effective and easily constructed foundation solution economically for any project. We call this A Name You Can Build On.
Our vision is to be the company that best understands and delivers foundation solutions.
Core Values
We pursue excellence by constantly raising the bar.
We have passion and enthusiasm - for our roles, the company and our relationships.
We are experts that continually grow
We do the right thing
We are team players
Core Purpose
To build better
Our Focus
Safety: work safe to enjoy life.
Integrity: Be real. Be honest.
Quality: a name you can build on
Operational efficiency: do more with less
Accountability: If it is to be, it’s up to me.
Family: Take care of our people. Take care of our customers.

The Environment
Roterra considers Environmental Protection to be an important and integral part of conducting business.
Our company' Environmental Policy is to:
Minimize hazards to public health
Protect the environment from adverse effects of construction operations
Comply with all legislated standards and regulations
Assess potential environmental hazards
Evaluate and monitor environmental performance to applicable standards
Work with industry, government and workers to maintain environmental awareness
Maintain effective reporting to the directors
As part of protecting the environment, employees are educated regarding issues such as Ground Disturbance and Spill Procedures.