ROTERRA PILING looks to collaborate with our customers at the start of the project to determine the optimal foundation solution. We provide a turn-key solution for foundation projects from design and conception through to construction and turnover. Our experienced management, diverse fleet of equipment and in-house engineering and fabrication enable us to execute a solution for any type of piling project.
We have a large and diverse fleet of installation equipment with electronic torque monitoring. All engineering and manufacturing of this product is completed in house. More...
Pile driving can be a cost effective solution for a variety of applications. Our team can determine what type of pile solution is needed for your project - regardless of the application. More...
We have extensive experience in drilled, cast-in-place piling and can handle any project size. Our large and technologically advanced equipment provide straight shaft piles, belled piles, and caissons. More...
We offer continuous flight auger (CFA) piling, also known as augercast piles, that provide a quick and efficient solution for water-logged or loose soils. More...
Full service engineering of piling including geotechnical investigation, feasibility assessments, pile design, load testing (static and dynamic), pile supervision, and engineer schedules for foundations. More...